
7 tips to Engage Decision-makers to Influence Biodiversity Policy

24 May 2024  |  Blog

As a young person, it’s easy to feel powerless when trying to influence policies and decision-making, especially when you want to stand up for Nature against powerful entities that profit from harmful practices or political inaction. However, it is important to remember that each and every one of us can take action and stand up for what we believe in. One of the most effective ways to do this is through lobbying, i.e., influencing decisions made by policymakers – be it at the local, regional, national or international level.

How to get land for rewilding – a guide by Sylvester Rewilding

29 April 2024  |  Blog

What if we simply buy land and rewild it? It’s a question many young people ask themselves. But how do you buy land for rewilding? From finding the right size for your rewilding project to how to finance it, we asked Sylvester Rewilding to share their top tips to look for land to rewild.

How Sylvester’s WildToken Initiative Empowers Youth to Restore Nature

15 April 2024  |  Blog

For young people and communities, getting into rewilding can often be difficult due to financial hurdles in acquiring land. Challenged by this, Sylvester Rewilding created a way to empower young people and communities to collectively finance, own, govern, and rewild abandoned land areas in Europe. Read about the journey bringing together Sylvester Rewilding and how it creates a new and revolutionary way to scale up rewilding.

A Rewilding Perspective on Sycamore Maple in Northern Europe

26 March 2024  |  Blog

Sycamore maple is a deciduous tree species that is now found in Northern Europe, raising questions about its status as an invasive species and prompting a deeper examination of its ecological role. Sycamore supports a diverse range of species, challenging the notion that it harms native ecosystems. Rather than viewing sycamore as a pest, rewilding proposes managing its dominance through restoring natural processes like diverse herbivore populations and reducing human-induced disturbances.