
How Sylvester’s WildToken Initiative Empowers Youth to Restore Nature

15 April 2024  |  Blog

For young people and communities, getting into rewilding can often be difficult due to financial hurdles in acquiring land. Challenged by this, Sylvester Rewilding created a way to empower young people and communities to collectively finance, own, govern, and rewild abandoned land areas in Europe. Read about the journey bringing together Sylvester Rewilding and how it creates a new and revolutionary way to scale up rewilding.

A Rewilding Perspective on Sycamore Maple in Northern Europe

26 March 2024  |  Blog

Sycamore maple is a deciduous tree species that is now found in Northern Europe, raising questions about its status as an invasive species and prompting a deeper examination of its ecological role. Sycamore supports a diverse range of species, challenging the notion that it harms native ecosystems. Rather than viewing sycamore as a pest, rewilding proposes managing its dominance through restoring natural processes like diverse herbivore populations and reducing human-induced disturbances.

Youth perspectives on rewilding in Europe

6 December 2023  |  Blog

Youth is not only children or future generations, are current young professionals who want to see more ambition in nature restoration efforts. Young rewilders are at the forefront of this, but struggle to find job opportunities and land to rewild. The participation in the European Rewilding Coalition in Vienna and the European Young Rewilders are both spaces and opportunities to empower these young motivated people.

Wildlife Comebacks in Cultural Landscapes: a Controversial Issue

27 November 2023  |  Blog

Due to conservation efforts, wildlife is returning to Europe, and this is clearly challenging our current way of living and thinking about nature and our place in it. We are not used to seeing a wolf in our backyard or walking across the street. We have forgotten that wolves are an essential part of European ecosystems due to nature amnesia.

A Rewilding Answer to the Bracken Question

9 October 2023  |  Blog

Dense bracken groves suppress ground vegetation, hinder biodiversity, and release toxins, posing a challenge for nature managers. Traditional approaches to control bracken growth have involved manual cutting and the use of the herbicide “Asulam.” However, recent trends have shifted away from artificial interventions and toward the restoration of natural processes. This raises the question: is there a rewilding-based solution to address the issues associated with bracken?